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Monday, January 19, 2009

Life is hard. Train harder.

Hey guys and girls. I know times are tough, our lives are busy. They are for all of us. Just know that whatever you set your mind to, and focus all your efforts on achieving it, you will accomplish, I know it. It's the beginning of the third week of January, time to either put up or shut up. Here's where we'll see creations of new habits, or re-emergence of old ones. I'm not going to lie, I feel like I want to give up. I feel like I want to lay down, roll over, and let life simply happen. I feel like what I'm doing isn't going to matter to anyone. So, do you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to keep this up. I'm going to keep giving until you see results, or I get told to go away. I'm also going to be signing myself up for a triathlon. Crazy huh? I'm going to train harder, and push myself further. I'm going to go out there and see what I've got, and hopefully come out even stronger (mentally and physically) than I thought I could be. And I want each of you to do the same. Drive yourself the gym when you feel so tired you don't know how you'll make it through a workout. Put down the junk food, and pick up a protein bar and bottled water. Spend 20 minutes preparing a healthy meal ahead of time, and use leftovers for lunches/supper. Walk a few paces faster, or jog just one more block. Do it, stretch just a little further, and you'll be glad you did. Let me be the personal trainer in the back of your mind saying, "C'mon. Just one more round. Just one more mile. Just one more set. You can do it." Push past these tough times. We can all do it. One day at a time. Be BOLD! Josh

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leave it all out there

There is something in each of us that keeps us going, keeps us motivated, keeps us from giving up. Sometimes we let that still small voice get drowned out by the lives that we lead, and at other times the voice is crystal clear. It seems obvious that none of us ever want to give up, the stubborn egos and sheer force of will keeps us getting up when we get knocked down. But sometimes the 'giving up' is less obvious, and more a state of mind and simple compromises along the way. For example, I really wanted to be a Marine Biologist at one point in time, I'm not sure what happened as time went by. But, when I see how my daughter loves the sea and oceans (dolphins to be exact, but still) I realize how much my dreams changed along the way to 'suit' my circumstances, but how much a part of me they still are. I see how how wonderful and powerful our dreams really can be if we listen to them. Maybe, just maybe, if we picked ourselves up, stopped using the excuses of last year, put forth some real effort and followed those dreams; then maybe for once we'd have a life worth talking about. I left some sweat on the gym floor today. Was it enough? We'll see. I'll know once that moment arrives. But I'm not waiting around to find out if I was voted Mr. Popular. I'd rather be the one who stayed behind and cleaned up. At least then I'd know where all the doors led to. And hopefully, that also means I'd be the one with all the keys. I left what I could on the floor today. Did you? Be BOLD! Josh

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Featured in Bay Area Fellowship's BLOG!

I suggested some advice recently on fasting, and also sent out the same suggestions to Bay Area Fellowship, a church of over 5,000! The pastor, band, staff, message, and small groups there are amazing! I hope to continue to help as many as possible with this blog, or any other way I can help get people as fit as possible.

Check out the blog from Bil Cornelius, Pastor of Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi, Tx here.

Decide what you REALLY want

"Tone, Fit, Cut, Big, Skinny, Lose some weight, gain some weight..."
If I had a penny for every time I heard these, I'd be sipping tea with Bill Gates. While it's good that people are unhappy with their progress and want to change, it is statements like these that cause so many to be unsuccessful in attaining them.
Imagine saying, "I just want to go north-east-ish" when trying to get to New York. How long will it take to get there? How about this one, "I just want to learn stuff" instead of picking out a specific degree plan. Once the END result is chosen, a plan is put in place, a time-line is chosen, and a road map is decided on. NOW move forward with excitement in knowing you have a goal, a plan and time-line in place, and you have everything you need to be successful in attaining this dream.
Instead of saying "toned", say,"I want to lose 5% body fat with a 5% increase of lean muscle, especially in my legs cause I want them to look hot by spring break". Now remember that's not MY dream. BUT, make it your OWN, pick a specific goal, choose specific targeted muscles to work, and a deadline in place for the finished product. Stay consistent, and voila!
So what's holding you back?
Be Bold,

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fasting for the Fitness Minded

As with all things, preparation helps with this. If one has a rigorous workout program (45+ minute workouts 4-6 days a week), and they wish to stay on their workout regimes, a one day juice or fruit fast is recommended, or a 2-3 day fast with 1-3 meal replacement shakes a day would keep the body in positive energy balance. Those that walk daily for at least half an hour, I would recommend maybe a 2-3 day fresh fruit or juice fast. If anyone has a 2-3 day/week walk, jog, or run of at least half an hour, I would recommend the same, but could probably do a 2-3 day water or fresh fruit/juice fast. For those not on a workout program could do a water fast for 24hrs+ up to a week. The key is preparation; letting others know what you’re planning on doing (especially a doctor for anyone with health concerns), and starting and moving forward with only each moment in sight, not the ending. This will help keep you focused and motivated to see God move in our lives, and to begin also seeing our lives being healthier in the process. Afterwards, get some food, but don’t throw away the progress you’ve made to cleanse your body!
A fasting p
rogram can be a very beneficial way to cleanse our bodies of toxins. Obviously, and most importantly, we want to make this not about us, but to reach down into ourselves and find what is most important to us-the knowledge and faith that our God is above all, through all, and with us in ALL things. The combination of a fasting with the beginning of a brand new year can make for a drastically powerful combination of spiritual, mental, and physical renewal and focus. As with so many things that are fought hard for, the reluctance to fast can make for quite an internal struggle. As a personal trainer, it is my job to educate, motivate, and assist others in healthy exercising. But hand in hand with exercising, and honestly my biggest challenge, is in getting others to see the value of eating less of the bad, and more of the good. A very large majority of people I assist (and I used to be in this category myself) eat too little of the bad, and not enough of the good. And a program like fasting might be what all of us need.
“When you fast, your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” Matthew 6:18

Friday, January 9, 2009

Overcoming Obstacles-Be Prepared

You know, it's kind of like life in general. The better prepared we are for an emergency, the better off we are in handling them when they come up. I don't know where you come from, but life comes at me pretty fast. Just yesterday I was looking at the Marine Corps like it was a the biggest monster I'd ever faced. But I knew that it had to be tamed, or it was for sure going to kill me.
So I got some friends and we ran a bit. I thought ahead, and we did some strength and endurance training. I worked myself quite hard I thought. Then, I joined. I still got my backside handed to me on a silver platter with a doggie bag to go. And looking back now, over 13 years later (WOW), I didn't quit, I didn't give up, I didn't fall out, I DID NOT FAIL-because I was prepared. My mind was already in the mode of-this is going to hurt, I am not going to like it, I am going to see blood, sweat, and tears before this is all said and done. But I will not be the one to raise my hand to ask for the call home to mommy and daddy because I was not made of tough enough stuff. So I hung in there.
And three wonderful months later (yeah right), on Dec 23rd 1995, I was a United States Marine. Nothing I can ever do will ever top the pride in me as my Dad watched me walk across the parade deck as a man. I left some things out on the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego that I will never get back. On all accounts, I don't think I ever want them back. But the simple fact is I had to GIVE, I had to SACRIFICE, I had to push my self FURTHER and HARDER than I ever thought I could ever go before. But I made it, I won the prize.
Whatever that prize is for each of you, know that it is out there, waiting. It has your name on it. Yours and yours alone. It's gonna hurt, and you're gonna want to quit, and obstacles bigger than you think you can handle will stand in your way. But if you prepare for it, and know they are coming, because they will; you will definitely overcome them. What's your dream? Have you prepared for the journey? You can make it if you prepare.


Thursday, January 8, 2009