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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fasting for the Fitness Minded

As with all things, preparation helps with this. If one has a rigorous workout program (45+ minute workouts 4-6 days a week), and they wish to stay on their workout regimes, a one day juice or fruit fast is recommended, or a 2-3 day fast with 1-3 meal replacement shakes a day would keep the body in positive energy balance. Those that walk daily for at least half an hour, I would recommend maybe a 2-3 day fresh fruit or juice fast. If anyone has a 2-3 day/week walk, jog, or run of at least half an hour, I would recommend the same, but could probably do a 2-3 day water or fresh fruit/juice fast. For those not on a workout program could do a water fast for 24hrs+ up to a week. The key is preparation; letting others know what you’re planning on doing (especially a doctor for anyone with health concerns), and starting and moving forward with only each moment in sight, not the ending. This will help keep you focused and motivated to see God move in our lives, and to begin also seeing our lives being healthier in the process. Afterwards, get some food, but don’t throw away the progress you’ve made to cleanse your body!
A fasting p
rogram can be a very beneficial way to cleanse our bodies of toxins. Obviously, and most importantly, we want to make this not about us, but to reach down into ourselves and find what is most important to us-the knowledge and faith that our God is above all, through all, and with us in ALL things. The combination of a fasting with the beginning of a brand new year can make for a drastically powerful combination of spiritual, mental, and physical renewal and focus. As with so many things that are fought hard for, the reluctance to fast can make for quite an internal struggle. As a personal trainer, it is my job to educate, motivate, and assist others in healthy exercising. But hand in hand with exercising, and honestly my biggest challenge, is in getting others to see the value of eating less of the bad, and more of the good. A very large majority of people I assist (and I used to be in this category myself) eat too little of the bad, and not enough of the good. And a program like fasting might be what all of us need.
“When you fast, your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” Matthew 6:18

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