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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leave it all out there

There is something in each of us that keeps us going, keeps us motivated, keeps us from giving up. Sometimes we let that still small voice get drowned out by the lives that we lead, and at other times the voice is crystal clear. It seems obvious that none of us ever want to give up, the stubborn egos and sheer force of will keeps us getting up when we get knocked down. But sometimes the 'giving up' is less obvious, and more a state of mind and simple compromises along the way. For example, I really wanted to be a Marine Biologist at one point in time, I'm not sure what happened as time went by. But, when I see how my daughter loves the sea and oceans (dolphins to be exact, but still) I realize how much my dreams changed along the way to 'suit' my circumstances, but how much a part of me they still are. I see how how wonderful and powerful our dreams really can be if we listen to them. Maybe, just maybe, if we picked ourselves up, stopped using the excuses of last year, put forth some real effort and followed those dreams; then maybe for once we'd have a life worth talking about. I left some sweat on the gym floor today. Was it enough? We'll see. I'll know once that moment arrives. But I'm not waiting around to find out if I was voted Mr. Popular. I'd rather be the one who stayed behind and cleaned up. At least then I'd know where all the doors led to. And hopefully, that also means I'd be the one with all the keys. I left what I could on the floor today. Did you? Be BOLD! Josh

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