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Friday, January 2, 2009

Scheduling it gets it done

OK. So you resolved, you went and bought some new tennies. Now, if you could just start. If you're having problems getting out of bed and getting your sweat pants on, or no energy after work
Don't worry! I've been in every one of these stages, so I know what to look out for.
Here's 5 things you can try to get up, get out, and get results!

1st- Schedule it. Put it in your planner. Block out everything else for the hour that you need to work out. If you schedule it, it gets done.
2nd- The night before, if you're a morning exerciser, lay out everything you need to go, including a tiny protein snack to eat right before. Do NOT hit the snooze-get up with the alarm clock. If you exercise after work, take the clothes and snack you need with you, and immediately following work change THEN go workout.
3rd- Prepare in advance mentally and physically. This is just mental reminders throughout your day that you're going to be doing some strenuous activity. Being mentally prepared for it takes the edge off.
4th- Find a fitness buddy to go with you, or at the least someone in the office to talk health and fitness to. Someone to bounce your goals and accomplishments to helps keep your motivation grounded and growing.
5th- Finding a picture of someone in the shape you're trying to get in is a big help. If you're trying to get in shape for beach season, go buy the suit that will keep you motivated to not give up. Post these where you can see them everyday.

I'm here with you guys, working towards my own goals too. So you're not alone. So, keep your motivation high, and schedule your workouts to make them happen.
Be bold!
Your personal trainer,

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