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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


OK, your personal trainer has got some reconciling to do. I'll be honest, because that's what I expect any of my clients to do, and hope to expect the same from you (at least to yourself). I've started with a nice cardio and resistance program, made up some food plans, etc. I've done my workouts with intensity. And I'm actually sore today, which for someone who works out a lot, is awesome news, because that means growth is underway in my muscles. I've done a lot most haven't this new year with my resolutions. I'm content-except for a few things.
I haven't put a single workout on paper, I haven't tracked my progress, and I haven't benchmarked where I am currently at now. How in the world will I ever know where I'm really going if I haven't put in stone my starting place. In order to get to where you want, you have to first find out where you are at currently. When you know where you are, you can then not only see where you need to be, but how and how long it will take to get there.
Set some goals, please by all means. But put on paper where you are now, and draw yourself a 'raod map' of how to get to your destination. You'll not only accomplish more of your goals, but you'll find by putting this process on paper makes things real, you'll be able to clearly define your progress and your milestones and achievements.
Here's mine for example:
My (fitness) goal is to be 10% Body fat NO LATER than 21 March of this year.
My body fat percentage now is 17.7%. So I have 7.7% of my total body weight (175) to lose, which is 13 pounds of pure fat to lose in 3 months. Is this attainable? If I'm serious about looking like the bowflex dude, heck yes! But it is a bold, worthy, action oriented, attainable goal that has a start and end date that is now more clearly defined and actual numbers I can clearly see. So, my ability to be successful in this goal has now moved up another category to not only possible, but probable.
Do this process for your goals, and you can too be successful in all your resolutions.


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